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I am a 26 year old mom of 3. I'm just trying to get back to the basics and teach my kids that our planet can not be disposable.


Designed and maintained by Grassroots

Fashionably Green Boutique

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Revamping worn out g diaper liners!!!

So if you are like me you probably hate to throw things out. Especially when you spent good money on them. Well one kind of diaper I have in my stash is g diapers. Although I do like my g's I have always been more than a little annoyed at how quickly the snap in liners get worn out. I have a skinny legged baby and once they get stretched out we have leaks like mad. Well since they get to this point within a matter of a few months I decided I must do something about it. Here is a quick tutorial on giving new life to those worn out liners......and for all those mamas who don't sew or don't have time I do offer this service!!! (just email me)
Step 1: Take the worn out liner and remove all of the elastic binding with a seam ripper.
Step 2: Using 5/8 inch plush FOE (I buy mine from foeyourdiaper.com ) you need to bind the liner. Stretch as tightly as possible while you are sewing and use a long stitch length.
Step 3: when you get back to the starting point I like to flip it over and straight stitch it down like they do with the original binding.

Step 4: admire you work : )

This is probably what your worn out liner looks like. Take that stuff off.This is a side by side of the worn out liner (with binding still attached) next to the revamped liner. WOW!

And this is your revamped liner next to that brand new g diaper liner.

***NOTE*** This is not the same elastic binding that is on g liners however it holds up much longer in my experience and honest opinion.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Show me your Fashionably Green Fluff!!!

I would LOVE to see some pictures of some babies in their Fashionably Green Fluff. So if you have some pictures you would like to share please send them to me at fashionablygreenbaby@yahoo.com
This is going to be a little contest! I will post the pictures and have people vote for a winner : )
The winner will receive a small wetbag or a $10 credit for my store.
So send them in....we will end this on July 31st.