Step 1: Take the worn out liner and remove all of the elastic binding with a seam ripper.
Step 2: Using 5/8 inch plush FOE (I buy mine from ) you need to bind the liner. Stretch as tightly as possible while you are sewing and use a long stitch length.
Step 3: when you get back to the starting point I like to flip it over and straight stitch it down like they do with the original binding.
Step 4: admire you work : )
This is probably what your worn out liner looks like. Take that stuff off.This is a side by side of the worn out liner (with binding still attached) next to the revamped liner. WOW!
And this is your revamped liner next to that brand new g diaper liner.
***NOTE*** This is not the same elastic binding that is on g liners however it holds up much longer in my experience and honest opinion.